
A Neuromarketing eye-tracking study on point-of-sale units and promotional displays.

A Neuromarketing eye-tracking study on point-of-sale units and promotional displays.

A Neuromarketing eye-tracking study on point-of-sale units and promotional displays.

A Neuromarketing eye-tracking study on point-of-sale units and promotional displays.
Project Summary
Solgar were faced with a challenge in that they operate in a very cluttered environment. They wanted to know how they could reduce the clutter to ensure consumers weren't facing a 'paralysis of analysis' when searching for their desired product. Rocketfuel partnered with Solgar to develop premium in-store point of sale units, and Neural Sense™ came on board to evaluate these units by conducting a Mobile Eye-tracking study.
We A/B tested the original, cluttered shelf design against the premium in-store unit designs on a number of metrics, including first time to fixation and amount of repeat fixations. The study was done in two phases. The first phase tested how consumers navigated the space when there was just product on the shelf. In phase two, we tested the premium point of sale unit and built and understanding of how that influenced the consumer.
The results showed that in the second phase product recall and product familiarity improved, participants fixated quicker, and participants were able to find what they were looking for a third of the time quicker with the point of sale than without it. These not only improved the consumer experience but also delivered on the business objectives of the Solgar brand - increased in-store visibility, higher sales volumes and market share growth.
To get a better understanding of this project,
watch the video below.

In-store eye-tracking project

In-store eye-tracking project
Project Summary
Solgar were faced with a challenge in that they operate in a very cluttered environment. They wanted to know how they could reduce the clutter to ensure consumers weren't facing a 'paralysis of analysis' when searching for their desired product. Rocketfuel partnered with Solgar to develop premium in-store point of sale units, and Neural Sense™ came on board to evaluate these units by conducting a Mobile Eye-tracking study.
We A/B tested the original, cluttered shelf design against the premium in-store unit designs on a number of metrics, including first time to fixation and amount of repeat fixations. The study was done in two phases. The first phase tested how consumers navigated the space when there was just product on the shelf. In phase two, we tested the premium point of sale unit and built and understanding of how that influenced the consumer.
The results showed that in the second phase product recall and product familiarity improved, participants fixated quicker, and participants were able to find what they were looking for a third of the time quicker with the point of sale than without it. These not only improved the consumer experience but also delivered on the business objectives of the Solgar brand - increased in-store visibility, higher sales volumes and market share growth.
To get a better understanding of this project,
watch the video below.

Neuromarketing in-store shopper journey.

Neuromarketing in-store shopper journey.

Neuromarketing in-store shopper journey.

Neuromarketing in-store shopper journey.
Project Summary
Chep is a supply chain solutions company that was faced with the issue of how to get their clients' products from the factory to the store in the same condition it left the factory in. There are multiple points along the product's journey where it can get damaged, so Chep and a number of roll players designed a Retail Ready Packaging solution to overcome this issue. The products are packed onto a single pallet on the factory floor and transported directly to the store where they are either slotted into shelf space or left as a free-standing unit. The products are never removed from the pallet throughout the journey and remain there even when in-store.
However, despite how well the innovative Retail Ready Packaging was performing from an economic perspective, what they really wanted to know was how these units would be received by customers in-store.
Neural Sense came on board to run an in-store Eye-tracking study to understand how consumers would engage with the units, how they would be navigated visually and what was their ability to draw and maintain consumer attention compared to normal on-shelf displays.
We found that the Retail Ready Packaging promoted impulse buying behaviour, and far outperformed on-shelf displays in terms of generating greater engagement, and grabbing and maintaining attention.
To get a better understanding of this project,
watch the video below.